
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) requires schools and universities to think in radical ways about the school curriculum, assessment and learning. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly replaces human decision-making in a range of occupations and workplaces, the need for highly skilled graduates becomes imperative. The need to move beyond rote learning to develop skills related to problem solving, critical thinking and computational thinking must become a priority for schools and universities. The purpose of this initiative, therefore, is to enhance our capacities for research, programme development and knowledge transfer in relation to the challenges posed by rapid social and economic changes heralded by 4IR. This initiative will develop communities of practice made up of local schools and university staff to address the issue of much needed change and reform. Working together, communities of practice (CoP) will chart the future direction for curriculum reform, trial new curriculum, assessment and learning practices in schools and feed the results back to school leaderships as well as programme development in the University.